In the article “The agenda of Turkey in 2013: PKK terrorism and the Kurdish issue” Araz Aslanly looks through existing in Turkey different attitudes to the problem and describes the three stages of the solution process, starting by the emergence of the issue in the early years of the 20th century, the arrest and delivery to Turkey of the PKK leader Abdullah Ojala in 1999, and by the coming to power of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party). By Analyzing the official position of the AK Party, which intends to refuse from representing as tough, but being “unsuccessful” war on terror, the author accuses the AK Party for not being able to distinguish between the recognition of the rights of the Kurds and the worship to terror by PKK. Not demonstrating a common approach to the problem, viewing Iraq where Kurds live as independent entities by Erdogan, his agreement to negotiate with the forces of the PKK that organize terror, and deteriorating relations with Iran, Syria and Israel are regarded as elements of this “unsuccessful” policy. Thus, the current situation in the region and in Turkey, increases risks and expected that 2013 will be more risky.
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