
Arabian World has come back to the traditional policy “support for Iraq against Iran”

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On December 23, the Secretary General of the Arabian Countries Union Organization Amr Musa had been talking of importance for the Arabian countries of joining to the discussion led between Iran and the Western, implying to necessity of establishing discussion between the Arabian countries and Iran. He stated that the Arabian countries should participate in the negotiations in all sphere, including the Iranian nuclear problem. In his statement Musa noted that we had a few disagreements and problems, but they all were solvable matter. Making note of the significance of Iran, nevertheless the Secretary General emphasized that the Arabian countries could not make just foreign power and the official Tehran responsible for the region. By these words, Amr Musa supported the joint sitting of the Arabian countries with 5+1 group which conducted a discussion with Iran. To mention that the representatives of 5+1 countries and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan had held a discussion concerning the Iranian nuclear problem taking part in a joint meeting on December 23.
To note that an opinion of the official Tehran was sharp to the meeting arisen as a participation attempt in the discussion regarding the Iranian nuclear problem. Since, a spokesman of the Iranian Ministery of Foreign Affairs Hassan Ghashgavi, in the statement given right away after the meeting, said that “farewell tale of some Arabian countries with Rice would derive no benefit and the nations living in the region didn’t see against Iran as threat.” The Supreme Religious Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei criticizing this meeting also accented that “foreigners were trying to make some Arabian leaders to front against the Iranian peaceful nuclear technology.” The criticism of Hashimi Rafsanjani wore the most sharp and warning character amongst the given statements. Rafsanjani mentioned that this process was a provocation of the Western serving the purpose to set the Arabian countries into Iranian case and that Iran had not signed a peace treaty with Iraq yet.
Besides intervention of the Arabian countries in the Iranian issue, Amr Musa has noted a necessity of establishing a new regional organization for support of a solution of the problems in the region. To mention that before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahrain Kingdom had come out with a suggestion of establishment of “the Regional Security Organization”. The Bahraini officials suggested a taking place of Iran, Turket, Israel and the Arabian countries in the new regional security organization supposed to be established. However, from the very outset, Iran declared that it wouldn’t take part in an organization which member Iran would be. In spite of the Iranian protest, Bahrain presented its suggestion in the Arabian League. Nevertheless, in the context of this initiative, the Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmad has made a visit to Tehran with a purpose to deliver to the Iranian authorities a letter of the king of his country in regard to the suggestion.
The suggestions and efforts of the Arabian countries purposed to increase a regional impact of them can be explained with a recently change of power ratio in Middle East in favor of Iran and Shiite. Since, after an overthrow of Saddam Hussein authority with a military intervention of the USA, it has been created a political power in Iraq most of which formed Shiite. If the Arabian countries had refused cooperation with Iraq for a while considering this process could change a balance for Iran in the region, an anxiety, with coming to power of Mahmud Ahmadinejad and strengthening of possibility of a realization of the slogans of Khomeyni in the beginning of the Revolution, began forming “Iranian dread” at the leaders of these countries.
On the other hand, an extension of the activity in the nuclear field of Ahmadinejad in Iran and a continuation of the uranium enrichment policy are also been estimating in the Arabian countries as an effort of Iran to strengthen an impact in Middle East. Till now “cherishing a hope” for prevention this danger by the US President George Bush or Israel, Arabs have been given preference to non-interference to the Iranian nuclear problem in this context. However, the Arabian countries have begun thinking of vainness of these assumptions by the election of Barack Obama. Beginning of Obama the negotiation process with Iran and stringency of a probability to recognize officially of Iran’s authority in Middle East against stopping the uranium enrichment, are going to raise anxiety senses in the Arabian World. As a consequence of this anxiety, the Arabian leaders want now to participate in the discussions peculiarly. In this context, a trouble of Arabs, met positively by 5+1 countries, resulted with a holding a joint meeting with the Arabian League in New-York. The most important part of this meeting was a participation in that Iraq too. Thus, the government of Nuri Ali Maliki, the Prime Minister of Iraq, known before as a politician confirmed in Shiite ideology, taking tolerant position in the relations with Iran, had refused to put Iraq front to front with Iran. But in the last events, it is going to be observed a proceeding an influence of Iraqi Arabian nationalism more than Shiite ideology in Ali Maliki power’s political course. And it is going to bear a meaning of return of Iraq to the traditional policy towards Iran. In this context, the Western and Arabian countries have also started already to realize again a policy of strengthening Iraq opposite to Iran.

Araz Aslanlı

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